New Developments

Interview of Tim and Sunmi by Esther Ra of the Underwater Railroad Magazine

Station No. 2: Helping Hands Korea The musty underground air flared thickly through the subway and seeped into the remains of my sandwich. I hastily polished off my go-to dinner and hurried through Samgakji Station. Giving a quick prayer of thanks for the blessing of escalators, I stretched my tired legs and breathed deeply into […]

Interview of Tim and Sunmi by Esther Ra of the Underwater Railroad Magazine Read More »

BBC: ‘Ordinary North Koreans dare to speak out despite fear’—by so doing, the need for HHK’s continued help to refugees is made clear……

 ‘Here there are a lot of government captures’ By Michael CowanBBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme 29 May 2018 Speaking to ordinary citizens inside North Korea is almost impossible, with visitors heavily policed and communication with the outside world blocked. But two residents were willing to speak to the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme, despite the threat of

BBC: ‘Ordinary North Koreans dare to speak out despite fear’—by so doing, the need for HHK’s continued help to refugees is made clear…… Read More »

Trafficked North Korean ‘bride’ reveals her desperate flight from China–Helping Hands Korea in Action!

South China Morning Post “Tim Peters, from Seoul-based Helping Hands Korea, said the effects of the tighter security were now being felt in the border areas between China and North Korea, with life for North Koreans in China more dangerous than ever. “Due to the combined effort of the North Korean regime and China clamping down

Trafficked North Korean ‘bride’ reveals her desperate flight from China–Helping Hands Korea in Action! Read More »

Tim speaks to China South China Morning Post on North Korean ‘slave labor’ in China

HHK is grateful to South China Morning Post for including Tim’s views in its coverage of North Korean ‘slave labor’ in China: The UN’s recent sanctions will hurt North Korea’s citizens the most, according to Tim Peters, a prominent advocate of Helping Hands Korea, an NGO that assists North Korean refugees. “As noble in intent as the

Tim speaks to China South China Morning Post on North Korean ‘slave labor’ in China Read More »

URGENT:Change of Venue for Tonight’s NK Human Rights Conference in Seoul

Conference organizers have announced that due to robust RSVP response, this evening’s conference has been moved as follows: The conference room is in the B1 level of the Minerva Complex It is really easy to find. Go through the main HUFS gate, then take the first right. The Minerva Complex will be on the left.

URGENT:Change of Venue for Tonight’s NK Human Rights Conference in Seoul Read More »

Alaska Aid Initiative supports HHK’s rescues of distressed N.Korean refugees in NE Asia

4th of July, 2017, the very same day that Kim Jong-un successfully test-launched DPRK’s ICBM, Mr. Chuck Hawkins and the good people of Ninilchik, Alaska are welcoming HHK’s director and Mrs. Peters to Alaska to raise support through charity events for the safe evacuation of North Korean refugees from the Sino-DPRK border area. Can you

Alaska Aid Initiative supports HHK’s rescues of distressed N.Korean refugees in NE Asia Read More »

Tim’s Op-Ed in German Daily–Urgency of including a human rights dimension to sanctions on North Korea!

(English translation of Tim’s Op-Ed below) MENSCHENRECHTE IN NORDKOREA Das wahre Problem ist die Situation der Menschen             Tim Peters        Helping Hands Korea_Catacombs         26. Mai 2017 Wir dürfen unsere Forderungen gegenüber Nordkorea nicht nur auf das Atomprogramm beziehen. Wichtig ist, dass wir auch an

Tim’s Op-Ed in German Daily–Urgency of including a human rights dimension to sanctions on North Korea! Read More »