Human Rights & Wrongs

‘The new Kim of (north) Korea’ by Reshma Patil of HINDUSTAN TIMES

“……Tim Peters narrated how a network of activists plucked the defector and his family to safety. “There’s no way Kim Jong-un can be anything but a figurehead,” said Peters, American missionary and founder of Helping Hands Korea that last year helped 81 defectors escape. “All indications we’re getting are that he will be more brutal …

‘The new Kim of (north) Korea’ by Reshma Patil of HINDUSTAN TIMES Read More »

PBS on Helping Hands Korea and North Korean Refugees

Watch North Korea Refugees on PBS. See more from Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly. What’s wrong with this picture? 50 miles north of here is possibly the worst human rights situation, including Christian persecution, in the entire world, and here we are in South Korea living a lifestyle that’s probably on par with the United States …

PBS on Helping Hands Korea and North Korean Refugees Read More »

Tim Peters on the Coerced Mourning for the Death of Kim Jong-il

“It is a painful thing to watch this outpouring of emotion for someone who has been one of the most terrible despots of the 20th and 21st centuries,” said Tim Peters, a Seoul-based American missionary who assists North Korean defectors in China and South Korea. “It is completely incongruous with reality.”         …

Tim Peters on the Coerced Mourning for the Death of Kim Jong-il Read More »

Foreign Policy(Jan-Feb)-“Preaching the Gospel in the Hermit Kingdom–Can Christian evangelicals save North Korea?”

The mission strategy of HHK/Catacombs to reach North Korean refugees is outlined by Tim in this issue written by Isaac Stone Fish, which gives an overview of various mission approaches to the extraordinarily difficult field of the great Christian persecutor, the DPRK. Quotes from the article: “But the majority of the missionaries involved with North Koreans …

Foreign Policy(Jan-Feb)-“Preaching the Gospel in the Hermit Kingdom–Can Christian evangelicals save North Korea?” Read More »

Canadian Broadcasting Co.(CBC) interviews Tim:the plight of NK refugees with Kim Jong Un now at the helm of state

NORTH KOREA DEFECTORS. That’s coming up on CBC’s As It Happens. The images are as bizarre as they are rare. Today, North Koreans buried their Dear Leader, and the funeral was broadcast to the world via that country’s state television. However choreographed, it was a highly unusual view into the secretive nation. The country has a …

Canadian Broadcasting Co.(CBC) interviews Tim:the plight of NK refugees with Kim Jong Un now at the helm of state Read More »

Hungarian Daily quotes HHK director on the Likelihood of a Revolt in North Korea

(Although a full translation of the Hungarian is not available, the following is the full answer Director Tim Peters gave the Metro journalist in English responding to “Will the North Korean people revolt following the death of Kim Jong-il?”  Peters:” I believe it’s highly unlikely that the North Korean people will revolt, at least in …

Hungarian Daily quotes HHK director on the Likelihood of a Revolt in North Korea Read More »