Smuggling Vegetable Seeds into North Korea

Tim’s Op-Ed in German Daily–Urgency of including a human rights dimension to sanctions on North Korea!

(English translation of Tim’s Op-Ed below) MENSCHENRECHTE IN NORDKOREA Das wahre Problem ist die Situation der Menschen             Tim Peters        Helping Hands Korea_Catacombs         26. Mai 2017 Wir dürfen unsere Forderungen gegenüber Nordkorea nicht nur auf das Atomprogramm beziehen. Wichtig ist, dass wir auch an […]

Tim’s Op-Ed in German Daily–Urgency of including a human rights dimension to sanctions on North Korea! Read More »

Gov’t stuns with $860,000 offer for DPRK secrets.REALITY CHECK–a tiny fraction of that reward would enable a multitude of refugee evacuations along NE Asia’s Underground Railroad!

Seoul to quadruple cash for Pyongyang secrets Seoul (CNN)   South Korea is quadrupling its reward fee for defectors from North Korea who are willing to hand over classified information on the reclusive country’s military secrets.The Ministry of Unification announced Sunday that it would pay up to 1 billion won ($860,000) — eclipsing the previous

Gov’t stuns with $860,000 offer for DPRK secrets.REALITY CHECK–a tiny fraction of that reward would enable a multitude of refugee evacuations along NE Asia’s Underground Railroad! Read More »

HHK director addresses ongoing challenges along the ‘underground RR’ in 7/26 Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies-HRNK(D.C.) conference in Seoul

PROGRAM Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2016 Venue: Main Conference Hall, Cyber Building, HUFS Opening Ceremony……………………………………………………………. Greg Scarlatoiu Moderator Executive Director, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK) Keynote Speaker…………………………………………………………. H.E. Choi Seokyoung Visiting Professor/Ambassador Retired, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University Speakers Signe Poulsen Representative, UN Office of the High Commissioner for

HHK director addresses ongoing challenges along the ‘underground RR’ in 7/26 Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies-HRNK(D.C.) conference in Seoul Read More »

Korean Uni Student’s Column Traces his Pathway to Activism in the Catacombs Helping North Koreans in Crisis

[Shim Jae-hong] Beginning of an activist Few who read this will have had the experience of living in fear. But the same cannot be said of North Korean defectors in China. “There are many North Korean defectors in China who are living under the fear of arrest. Many women end up being the victims

Korean Uni Student’s Column Traces his Pathway to Activism in the Catacombs Helping North Koreans in Crisis Read More »