New Developments

9/13/10 Dr. Andrei Lankov’s Comments on the Delayed KPA Congress in Pyongyang

By its nature, media is supposed to report events, especially those events which are seen as important or unusual. When elections are held, terrorists bomb an airliner or an UFO is spotted over New York, those are news. The media outlets usually remain silent when an airliner safely arrives and no Martians are seen walking …

9/13/10 Dr. Andrei Lankov’s Comments on the Delayed KPA Congress in Pyongyang Read More »

C-SPAN coverage of the Human Rights Panel of “Confronting Security Challenges on the Korean Peninsula”–Quantico,VA –Sept. 1, 2010 The Marine Corps University The Korea Economic Institute and The Marine Corps University Foundation Present: Confronting Security Challenges on the Korean Peninsula 2010 MARINE CORPS UNIVERSITY ONE-DAY SYMPOSIUM ALFRED M. GRAY RESEARCH CENTER MARINE CORPS UNIVERSITY QUANTICO MARINE CORPS BASE SEPTEMBER 1, 2010       8:30 a. m. – 6:30 p.m. (0830-1830) September 1st, 2010: 0800-0830: …

C-SPAN coverage of the Human Rights Panel of “Confronting Security Challenges on the Korean Peninsula”–Quantico,VA –Sept. 1, 2010 Read More »

Christian Science Monitor on North Korea’s release of Aijalon Gomes;Quotes by HHK’s Founder

CSM 8.24.2010:”Tim Peters, a missionary here with a long background in dealing with defectors in North Korea, says he would be “surprised” if Carter got to meet Mr. Kim.

CSM:”Mr. Peters believes “tensions are still too high” for such a meeting in view of the sinking of the South Korean navy vessel, the Cheonan, in the Yellow Sea in March with a loss of 46 sailors…….“Anyone who has been through detention in North Korea for eight months has been through hell,” says Peters. Gomes “had a deep and abiding sympathy for North Korea. I’m glad his ordeal is about over.”

“Adrift & Stateless:Korea’s Forgotten Children”–RAS Lecture 8.24.10

ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY KOREA BRANCH CPO Box 255 Seoul 100-602 Korea Phone: (02)763-9483  Fax: (02)766-3796  Website: RAS Lecture Meeting Mr. Tim Peters 2nd floor, Residents’ Lounge Somerset Palace, Seoul Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2010 7:30 PM Adrift and Stateless: Korea’s Forgotten Children Since the mid-1990’s, hundreds of thousands of North Koreans have fled across …

“Adrift & Stateless:Korea’s Forgotten Children”–RAS Lecture 8.24.10 Read More »