starvation in North Korea

United Nations Day Commemoration: Invocation Recognizes Divine Intervention during Korean War and its Aftermath

“Behind the outcome of the Korean War’s conflict, Lord, and South Korea’s extraordinary economic prosperity in the following 63 years, we recognize Your guidance, protection and blessing.May we never forget King David’s sobering words in Psalm 127: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the laborer toils in vain;unless the Lord watches the city, the watchman […]

United Nations Day Commemoration: Invocation Recognizes Divine Intervention during Korean War and its Aftermath Read More »

SONY Hack & Brutal Threats Put North Korea’s Mafia-like Intimidation Tactics on Full Display

North Korea calls new Seth Rogen film, The Interview, an \’act of war\’ With the recent hacking attack on SONY Pictures Entertainment, the free world has most likely been given a unique glimpse into the level of intimidation and Mafia methods that the Kim Jong Un’s North Korean regime uses on its own people. As

SONY Hack & Brutal Threats Put North Korea’s Mafia-like Intimidation Tactics on Full Display Read More »

Why HHK has maintained its Ton-a-Month food aid program to North Koreans in crisis since 1996…..

Life and death on margins of North Korea society  –AFP  (Korea Herald 8-25-2013) North Korea’s famine in the 1990s unleashed a Darwinian struggle for survival that swiftly eliminated many of the most vulnerable in an already sharply stratified society, a U.N. panel heard Thursday. “People are treated without dignity in North Korea ― and in

Why HHK has maintained its Ton-a-Month food aid program to North Koreans in crisis since 1996….. Read More »

Canadian Broadcasting Co.(CBC) interviews Tim:the plight of NK refugees with Kim Jong Un now at the helm of state

NORTH KOREA DEFECTORS. That’s coming up on CBC’s As It Happens. The images are as bizarre as they are rare. Today, North Koreans buried their Dear Leader, and the funeral was broadcast to the world via that country’s state television. However choreographed, it was a highly unusual view into the secretive nation. The country has a

Canadian Broadcasting Co.(CBC) interviews Tim:the plight of NK refugees with Kim Jong Un now at the helm of state Read More »